Property Management northern ireland

Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland
We manage the operation, control and oversight of real estate, making sure your property is cared for, monitored and accounted.
We manage the operation, control and oversight of real estate, making sure your property is cared for, monitored and accounted.
Property Management
We specialise in Property Management across Northern Ireland and Belfast. We manage the day to day operations of your complex, ensuring your property is cared for, monitored and is fully accountable through an independent accountancy Firm: Dawson Nangle & Tumlety.
We have the processes, systems and manpower required to manage the life cycle of all managed property as defined above, including: acquisition, control, accountability, responsibility, maintenance, utilisation and disposition.
New To Property Management
The Northern Ireland Law Commission published a Consultation Paper in November 2012, which was a review of the Law relating to Apartments and the issues which affect apartments themselves, as well as the structure of buildings and common areas in development; both internal and external. The Consultation Paper raised broad questions on potential ways forward, and sought responses from consultees, in order to canvas views to canvas views as extensively as possible. It provided an opportunity for the issues to be considered from different angles. The paper gives you some useful information around ownership and management of apartments.
The paper can be downloaded here: Consultation Paper: Apartments – NILC 15 (2012) (PDF 1.73MB)